Calendar for Comenius Project - “ Far Away but Similar”
the second school year’s activities,2011/2012
September 2011
The summary of Spanish pupils’ visit in Poland.
Exchanging final products (pictures, written materials), writing emails, placing final texts and photos on the school website. Collecting
all the materials connected with the project.
Exhibition about the European Union.
People responsible for the task:
Teachers of the following subjects: Polish, History, English, Civic Education, Arts, class tutors and pupil government.
Looking for and collecting material for the topic: “Famous people from my country”.
Polish, English, History, Civic Education and ITC teachers.
A small “Cook Book” with the most well-known recipes from both countries.
Class tutors, English and Arts teachers, school
January/February 2012
Translating materials about famous people getting from partner’s school into national language. PowerPoint presentation and an exhibition about famous people from our and partner’s country.
Polish, History, English, Civic Education, Arts teachers, class tutors and pupil government.
January/February 2012
Students improve their vocabulary connected with food, cuisine, history, family life and jobs.
English teachers.
March 2012
Translating the tourist guide, received from Spanish students, into Polish.
English teachers.
April 2012
or May 2012
Programme of Polish students’ visit in Spain. Preparing maps and tourist guides about Spain.
Workshop: „Our Big Cities-Barcelona and Cracow”.
Quiz about famous people from both countries.
Polish students participate in all the activities prepared by the Catalan school.
A coordinator of the project, a head teacher and teachers of English.
May 2012
Written work on the topic:” Spain under Francisco Franco's Regime and Poland under Communism Regime “
Photos from the National Cuisine Day and Power Point presentation about Polish students stay in Spain.
Polish, History, English, Civic Education, Arts teachers, class tutors.
May 2012
Collecting all the materials connected with famous people of both countries and preparing small dictionaries with vocabulary connected with history, art, culture and tradition.
English teachers.
June/July 2012
Report on the Polish students visit in Spain. Exchanging final products (pictures, written materials), writing emails, placing final texts and photos on the school website. Evaluation of the project. Final report.
A coordinator of the project, English teachers and students participating in the mobility.