Sunday, April 10, 2011

Easter in Juszczyna

Easter is the oldest and most important Christian holiday commemorating the death on the cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is preceded by forty days of Lent.

Shrove Tuesday is the last day before the period of fasting which starts on Ash Wednesday. That day is a very solemn day when ash is sprinkled on the heads of members of the congregation.

The Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday. On this day churchgoers take to their churches small “palms” made of olive brunches, spring flowers and catkins and they are blessed by priests. Later they are put in the houses to protect them from disasters. The week before Easter is called Holy Week.

On Saturday before Easter, Polish families from Juszczyna prepare decorated baskets with different food included boiled and painted eggs(pisanki),sausages, bread, salt, pepper, horseradish and baked cakes in a shape of lambs and go to church, where the food is blessed by their priests too.

Easter Sunday is the first day of Easter. People in Poland celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. The special Mass is celebrated in the early morning in each Catholic church.

After returning home, the whole family have the solemn Easter breakfast, which begins with saying wishes and sharing Easter eggs. On the tables there are eggs, Easter cakes(poppy seed and pound cakes),bread, salt, tea and the rest of food, which was blessed in the church on Saturday.

On the traditional Easter table cannot be missed such dishes as:Easter soup, white sausage, ham,stuffed eggs, beetroots,Easter cakes and a cheese cake.

Tables are decorated with bouquets of catkins and first spring flowers. Easter Monday (the second day of Easter holidays) is called “ śmigus-dyngus” because according to Polish tradition, the water should be poured on other people, even strangers.

It is believed that the young girls should get wet on that day as it can give them a good fortune. Easter time gives families opportunities to gather together , have long conversations and visit relatives and friends. The holiday gives a hope that something good will happen to each of us.

Some of the information above was given by Marzena S.

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