Monday, January 10, 2011


Christmas is a tradition that is celebrated in a different way by each family, but there is one thing common everywhere: the feeling of solidarity and generosity which makes Christmas a very happy moment and that make families gather to celebrate it together. There are some traditions that make Catalan Christmas different from other countries. Some dishes are characteristic of our region, especially the desserts called "turró", "polvorons" and "neules" which are onlt eaten during Christmas times.


Also, in each house, children make their Nativity, which is the representation of Jesus' birth with little figures.

A Catalan tradition is the "Tió". This is a wooden trunk with a face painted on it and a Catalan hat. The tradition says that this piece of wood was in the fireplace that lighted Jesus in the barn where he was born. Now, children feed the "Tió" and on Christmas day they sing a song and hit the "Tió" with a stick, and the "Tió" gives them presents.

Another Catalan tradition is the 3 Wise Men. They were 3 kings that crossed the desert following a star which led them to the place where Jesus Christ was born. When they arrived, they gave him presents. Now, they bring presents to all the children. On the 5th of January there is a big parade with the arrival of the 3 Wise Men. When all the children are sleeping, they deliver the presnts, and on the 6th of January all children find their presents and open them with their family.

By Ariadna T, Laura P, Emma and Ivette

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